
Friendship Quality Test

Find out if your friendships are genuine, superficial, or need improvement. This free test analyzes behaviors and reveals the different types of connections you have.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

1. I feel I can share my deepest secrets with my friend.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

2. My friend shows genuine interest in how I feel.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

3. I can rely on my friend to listen to me during the toughest moments.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

4. I feel emotionally close to my friend.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

5. It is easy for me to fully trust my friend.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

6. I worry that my friend might distance themselves from me without any apparent reason.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

7. When my friend takes time to respond, I feel anxious.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

8. I fear that my friend might not value our friendship as much as I do.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

9. I feel uneasy when my friend makes new friends.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

10. When we are apart, I feel our connection weakens.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

11. I prefer not to share too many personal details with my friend.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

12. I avoid emotionally depending on my friend.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

13. Sometimes I feel I don’t need to open up deeply in this friendship.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

14. When I’m facing difficulties, I prefer not to bother my friend.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

15. I find it hard to accept emotional help from my friend.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

16. My friend makes me feel valued and understood.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

17. I can vent to my friend without fear of being judged.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

18. My friend knows how to comfort me when I’m feeling down.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

19. When I’m going through a tough time, my friend is the first person I think of.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

20. My friend shows empathy for my struggles and challenges.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

21. My friend is willing to help me with practical tasks when needed.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

22. I know I can count on my friend to support me in emergencies.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

23. My friend offers tangible help when I’m overwhelmed.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

24. If I needed financial help, my friend would be willing to assist.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

25. My friend always seeks ways to make my life easier.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

26. My friend provides useful advice when I’m facing challenges.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

27. My friend helps me understand complex situations with their suggestions.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

28. Whenever I need to make an important decision, my friend is there to guide me.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

29. My friend shares information that helps me deal with my problems.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

30. My friend is a source of inspiration and learning for me.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

31. I feel like I belong to something greater when I’m with my friend.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

32. My friend includes me in important moments of their life.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

33. I feel accepted and valued by my friend.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

34. My friend makes me feel like I’m part of a group or community.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

35. Our friendship helps me feel a stronger connection to other people too.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

36. I feel that this friendship helps me grow as an individual.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

37. I feel safe and confident in our relationship.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

38. This friendship has a significant positive impact on my life.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

39. My friend is honest with me and avoids lying.

Friendship Quality Test
(Connection, Trust and Support)

40. My friend never intentionally does anything to harm or upset me.

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