0% Emotional Intelligence Test Ascertain your Emotional Intelligence level. This free test is based on the renowned Emotional Quotient Inventory 2.0 and helps identify personal characteristics. Emotional Intelligence Test (Self-Perception) 1. I can identify my emotions at the moment I feel them. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Self-Perception) 2. I am clear about how my emotions affect my decisions. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Self-Perception) 3. I feel confident in my abilities and in who I am. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Self-Perception) 4. I am aware of my weaknesses and work to improve them. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Self-Perception) 5. I continually strive to achieve my personal goals. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Self-Perception) 6. I recognize when I am angry, sad, or anxious. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Self-Perception) 7. I know when I need time to reflect before acting. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Self-Perception) 8. I value personal growth over immediate results. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Self-Perception) 9. I recognize behavior patterns in myself. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Self-Perception) 10. I can accurately describe my emotions. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Emotional Expression) 11. I can express my emotions clearly. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Emotional Expression) 12. I am assertive in communicating my emotional needs. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Emotional Expression) 13. I can say "no" without feeling guilty. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Emotional Expression) 14. I can talk about how I feel without hesitation. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Emotional Expression) 15. I am emotionally independent when making decisions. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Emotional Expression) 16. My emotions do not interfere with how I speak to others. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Emotional Expression) 17. I can maintain open conversations even during tense moments. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Emotional Expression) 18. I show enthusiasm when I am excited. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Emotional Expression) 19. I avoid suppressing important emotions. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Emotional Expression) 20. My actions reflect my true emotions. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Interpersonal Interaction) 21. I find it easy to connect with other people's emotions. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Interpersonal Interaction) 22. I am a good listener, even in difficult situations. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Interpersonal Interaction) 23. I seek to understand others' perspectives before reacting. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Interpersonal Interaction) 24. My friendships are based on empathy and trust. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Interpersonal Interaction) 25. I avoid making hasty judgments about others' emotions. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Interpersonal Interaction) 26. I enjoy collaborating in teams and value collective efforts. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Interpersonal Interaction) 27. I make an effort to build genuine connections with others. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Interpersonal Interaction) 28. I can provide emotional support when needed. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Interpersonal Interaction) 29. I am seen as reliable and easy to get along with. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Interpersonal Interaction) 30. I value the opinions and feelings of others. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Decision-Making) 31. I usually think before acting, even under stress. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Decision-Making) 32. I find rational solutions to emotional problems. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Decision-Making) 33. I handle emotionally intense situations well. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Decision-Making) 34. My decisions are generally balanced between reason and emotion. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Decision-Making) 35. I am able to evaluate reality objectively. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Decision-Making) 36. I avoid reacting impulsively in arguments. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Decision-Making) 37. I consider all consequences before making important decisions. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Decision-Making) 38. My emotions do not prevent me from making tough decisions. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Decision-Making) 39. I am realistic about what I can achieve. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Decision-Making) 40. I avoid making decisions when I am overwhelmed by emotions. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Stress Management) 41. I am flexible and adapt well to change. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Stress Management) 42. I maintain an optimistic outlook, even in challenging situations. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Stress Management) 43. I can control my emotions in high-pressure moments. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Stress Management) 44. I know when I need a break to avoid emotional overload. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Stress Management) 45. I manage conflict well. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Stress Management) 46. I have strategies to reduce my emotional stress. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Stress Management) 47. I do not let difficulties demotivate me. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Stress Management) 48. I am resilient in the face of adversity. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Stress Management) 49. I remain calm in crisis situations. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Emotional Intelligence Test (Stress Management) 50. I can balance my personal and professional life, even under stress. Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always Enter your name and valid email to gain exclusive access to the result.